Title IX and Vassar

September 8, 2017

Dear All,

Vassar College remains committed to addressing allegations of sexual misconduct promptly and fairly. The College understands the need to continue our efforts in prevention and awareness of these serious issues. Vassar’s initiatives to address sexual misconduct are dedicated to promoting and maintaining an inclusive and safe community.

Vassar has every intention to share our perspectives on these issues when the Department of Education opens up the opportunity for public comment. Our hope is that we will work with the Vassar community to ensure that our voices are heard. We will continue to maintain high standards to ensure the safety of all of our community members.

In order to obtain additional information about Vassar’s initiatives or efforts in the area of sexual misconduct or to file a Title IX complaint, please contact

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action/Title IX
Rachel Pereira, Title IX Director/Coordinator
[email protected]

or visit the Vassar Title IX webpage

Elizabeth H. Bradley, President
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604