Winter Board of Trustees Meeting

Dear all,

I am writing to update you about the recent Winter Board of Trustees meeting, as always after a Board meeting. Here are the highlights:

  1. Many of our Trustees participated in the Vassar Inclusive History Initiative’s “The Reverend Howard Thurman, Blackness, and Vassar College: Student Panel and Presentations” event. This event was organized by Professor Jonathon Kahn, and included the work of Croix Horsley ’26, Jarod Hudson ’26, Katie Varon ’24, and Maya Winter ’26.
  2. Board members had dinner with students and House Fellows living in Noyes and Lathrop. Thank you very much to House Fellows Taneisha Means and Leroy Cooper for hosting dinner and providing opportunities for our students to interact directly with our Trustees. I also hosted a dinner for students at the President’s House with Trustee Ambassador Lee Feinstein.
  3. Board members toured several academic spaces on campus including Rockefeller Hall, Blodgett Hall, Kenyon Hall, and Studio Art spaces in Ely Hall and New Hackensack.
  4. The Board heard a budget and finance presentation from Vice President of Finance and Administration Bryan Swarthout and Trustee Eric Beringause, and approved the proposed budget for the 2024–2025 fiscal year.
  5. The Board heard presentations from Dean of Strategic Planning and Academic Resources Marianne Begemann regarding Vassar’s Climate Action planning and the planned new Learning Commons in the Library.
  6. The Board voted to approve the proposed promotions of several faculty members from the rank of Associate Professor to the rank of Full Professor.
  7. A group of recently tenured faculty members had lunch with the Board.
  8. Professors Justin Patch and Ming-Wen An, each presented some of their recent work to the Board over dinner.

Thank you to the many different groups on campus who helped make the Board meeting successful (especially Facilities Operations, Media Resources, Alumnae House, Campus Safety, Residential Life, and Campus Activities). If you ever have any questions (or ideas) related to the Board, please do not hesitate to contact me or Wesley Dixon, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, at [email protected].


Elizabeth H. Bradley, President
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604