How to declare a major in the American Studies Program

1. Meet with the Program Director to discuss the American Studies program and help craft your initial program of study. The Director’s office is located in OLB 208A. The program office is located on the second floor of Old Laundry Building—OLB 207B.

2. In conversation with the Program Director, chart your course of study in the Major. Use the AMST Major Requirement Planner (Word, 17KB) to identify your core areas of interest and to map out your course of study within the Major.

3. Once approved, declare the Major using the “Major Declaration” Form available under the Office of the Registrar’s website.

How to declare a correlate in Native American Studies

Meet with the correlate Advisor, Molly McGlennen, who can help you craft the 6-course program of study required for the correlate. You may reach her via email: [email protected]. Her office is located in Sanders Classroom 203.

Header image: Oree Originol, Justice for Our Lives, 2014-Present, 78 digital images, 8.5 x 11 in. 18 x 24 in., Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase through the Patricia Tobacco Forrester Endowment, 2020.51A-MM, © 2014, Oree Originol. Photo of Installation by Albert Ting.