Awards And Prizes

Lilo Stern

Photo of Dr. Lilo Stern
Stern, Lilo. 1962. An Ethnography of Chiapilla, Chiapas.: By Lilo Stern. Vol. No. 56. Microfilm Collection of Manuscripts on American Indian Cultural Anthropology. University of Chicago Library.
———. 1973. “Inter-Household Movement in a Ladino Village of Southern Mexico.” Man 8 (3): 393-415.

The Lilo Stern Writing Prize is awarded annually for the best student paper submitted for grading in an Anthropology course. This prize helps to keep alive the memory of anthropology professor Dr. Lilo Stern. Lilo received her PhD from the London School of Economics, and taught at Vassar for 20 years. She maintained a career-long interest in social structure, was deeply committed to social justice, and in her personal and intellectual life was also a maverick. Lilo enthusiastically resisted hard and fast categorizations. For that reason, papers focused on cultural resistance practices are especially appropriate. All submissions should demonstrate originality of thought and presentation, while engaging comprehensively the assignment prompt and/or relevant literature.

Submissions to the award committee are made by the faculty member for whose course the paper was written. The faculty nomination must (1) show that the student has given permission to share their work with the prize committee, and (2) briefly (50–100 words) contextualize the paper within the course, explaining why it is worthy of the prize. Faculty may submit only one paper per year for consideration. Submitted papers must be in their original form, not having been revised after grading. Senior theses are not eligible for the prize.

Submission of the student paper and accompanying faculty nomination must be sent to [email protected] by the last day of class in the Spring semester. Two winners will be announced. First prize is $100 and second prize is $50. Both winners will receive a certificate.