Native American Advisory Committee
The Vassar Native American Advisory Committee (NAAC) is a subcommittee of Vassar’s Committee on Inclusion and Equity (CIE). Its members are drawn from faculty, staff, administrators, and students and its role is to advise the College on all matters related to Native and Indigenous Peoples.
- Brian Daly, Associate Dean of the Faculty and Academic Resources
- Bart Thurber, The Anne Hendricks Bass Director of the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center and Lecturer in Art
- April Beisaw, Professor of Anthropology
- Molly McGlennen, Professor of English
- Noel Smyth, Assistant Professor of History
- Abigail Paull ([email protected]), Student representative from the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA)
- Kimberly Williams Brown, Assistant Professor of Education
- Traci Francis ([email protected]), Vassar Student Association (VSA) VP Equity, CIE
- Rick Jones, Lab Coordinator, Earth Science
- David Toomer, Director of Admission
- Payton Small, Assistant Professor of Psychology, CIE