Student Employment Opportunities

German Language Fellow

Every year the Department of German Studies hosts a student from the University of Münster, who serves as the department’s language fellow. The language fellow participates in all departmental and student activities, assists in courses, and offers regular office hours for tutoring and conversation.

Research and Teaching Positions

Language Assistants

Every year, the department seeks qualified students to serve as language assistants. Language assistants are the most highly regarded and best-paid student positions in the German Studies Department. The qualifications necessary for a successful applicant include strong German language skills, very good teaching and people skills, the ability to work independently as well as the ability to work in tandem with the professors teaching the first-year German courses. Language assistants lead a small section of about 5 to 8 students enrolled in first-year German; these sections meet for four 25-minute sessions each week, and language assistants are responsible for preparing grammar and vocabulary drills for each session in conjunction with the faculty members teaching the elementary German sequence. The number of positions each semester depends on enrollment in German 105-106 and German 109.

Research Assistants

The department offers three positions for research assistants. Students with an outstanding academic record can apply to assist faculty members with their research projects.

Office Assistant

Every year, the department seeks an individual interested in serving as the office assistant. The office assistant works with the faculty on office-related matters, such as photocopying materials, assisting the chair with paperwork, and maintaining the department lounge. This position is ideal for a first-year student with an interest in taking German courses and getting to know the department.

Please visit the Student Employment Office website or contact [email protected] for more information.