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Two smiling people standing in front of a projected slide presentation on a wall.

With support from the Mellon Foundation-funded Community-Engaged Intensives in the Humanities (CEIH) grant, Office of Community-Engaged Learning’s (OCEL) Elizabeth Cannon and Zoë Markwalter presented at the 2024 International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) Intersections Conference. They traveled to the University of San Diego’s Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice and shared their presentation on “Pedagogical Innovations through Community-Engaged Coursework and Compensation of Community Partners as Co-Educators.”

Seven people standing and smiling for a photograph indoors.

Vassar welcomed to campus for the first time Jacob Mnookin, Director of Partnership and Innovation at the Davis United World College Scholars Program, which provides scholarships and other support to graduates of the 18 United World Colleges who are pursuing undergraduate degrees at Vassar and 100 other institutional partners nationwide.