
Dismantling Anti-Semitism: Two workshops presented by the National Coalition Building Institute

Mar. 29, 2022, 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Villard Room, Main Building

This session, the second in a two-day series, explores the experiences of all Vassar students and employees. The first session, held the day before, centered the experiences of Vassar’s Jewish community.

Campus community only, please.

Sponsored by:

Rabbi Bryan Mann
Rachlin Director for Jewish Student Life and Assistant Director, RSLCP
Wendy Maragh Taylor
Associate Dean of the College for Student Growth and Engagement
Co-Chair, Campus Climate Education and Support Team
Sam Speers
Associate Dean for Religious and Spiritual Life and Contemplative Practices
Co-Chair, Campus Climate Education and Support Team

Contact: Sam Speers [email protected] or Wendy Maragh Taylor [email protected]


Anti-Semitism workshop poster including QR code for registering.