
“The Hope Principle Show” by Bread and Puppet Theater

Apr. 17, 2024, 7:30–8:30 p.m.

Martel Theater, Vogelstein Center for Drama and Film


Puppet Show! Bread and Puppet Theater is excited to announce that they will be kicking off their 61st year! The show will include “a mother dirt prologue, citizen despair gymnastics, a massmurder victims traditional dance of death celebration, and an absentee humanity dance. The Hope Principle Show features a flock of disaster ravens and hope principle caribou with exorcism rites for the genociders.”

The puppet show will be followed by a talkback. After the event, members of Bread and Puppet will serve their famous sourdough rye bread with aioli! Books, posters, and cheap art will be for sale in the lobby.

Free admission, open to the public, reservations required: Contact the Drama Box Office at [email protected] for more information.

This event is sponsored by the Drama Department and by The Martha W. Farmer Visiting Artist Program.