Irresistible Resistors: One Hundred Years of Technology, Music, and Culture
Thekla Hall, Skinner Hall of Music, Room 400
A lecture by Drake Andersen. Does music shape the instruments we choose, or does the instrument determine the music? When it comes to electronic music, the answer is: both. Join Drake Andersen on a historical exploration of how new technologies for making and enjoying music developed over the past one hundred years continue to both reflect and shape our musical experiences and expectations.
All MODfest events are free and open to the public. No reservations are necessary unless otherwise noted. For directions to the Vassar campus in Poughkeepsie, New York, please refer to the directions section on our Visit website. People with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Campus Activities at (845) 437-5370.
For more information about MODfest 2025, visit the MODfest website.
MODfest 2025